2008年9月3日 星期三

MSDN Academy Alliance


首先要分清楚的是,學校計中可下載的程式,是授權給成大全體師生無誤,範圍甚至包含至行政機關,但, MSDN AA 的成立是去年(2007)才開始,是以系所為單位,而系所的定義: MSDN Academic Alliance 並非全面性的授權給多所系所或是不同的學科,而是發給高度相關的學術學科,其中又集中於某些教學單位或單一學科,例如,電機工程、電腦工程、電腦系、資訊系、資訊系工程系。

再來看看授權的內容,學校有的授權主要是 OS, Office, AntiVirus...,VS, MSDN, Matlab 呢? 請看看 成大計中網頁,這工具只到 2005,但 MSDN AA 已提供 2008 下載了,由此可見學校方面應該停止購買 VS tool 相關的版權,Matlab 的版本倒是一直滿新的,但這跟微軟無關就是。


If everybody doesn't think it is needed, then, our dept will stop the subscription. It is a favor given by MS Taiwan (and I helped our dept to get it since 2003 through the MOE program/project that I was in charge of.) Its coverage is "almost all MS's software minus MS Office" and for all faculties and all of our dept's students. Its annual cost is US$500 from the 2nd year's subscription (and is US$1000 for the 1st year.) The fee was paid by our dept since last year; the fee was paid by my MOE project/program before and the fee cannot be covered from my current MOE project/program. If MSDN-AA is terminated, please kindly subscribe each one's MSDN by yourself: it costs NT$50000 more or less.

MSDN AA 提供了幾乎所有用得到跟用不到的工具,完全為電資相關系所量身打造,第一年(2007)我們系所花了 $1000,今年只要 $500,最後一句更是可怕...

再提供一些資訊 MSDN Subscriptions 這裡可以直接下載,而且是中文頁面,只是需要密碼,密碼雖然信中有寫但我不知道能不能公開 =_=a

New in Your Subscription 去年MSDN AA的更新流程,Visual Studio, Windows Vista, Windows XP,Windows Server 2003, SQL Server 2005, Exchange Server, Expression, Office Project, Office Visio, Compute Cluster Server, Groove 2007,MSDN Library, 真的是一堆東西 ...zzz

最後,大家有空還是要看一下使用原則。 http://wiki.0x209.org/MSDNAA (應該是南台科大)
