不過,在某個夜黑風高的夜晚,本來安穩靠在桌邊的吉他忽然摔到地上,脖子直接斷成兩截,這對我當時還是個未成年的小孩而已這畫面實在是太血腥了。為了不讓可憐的吉他死不瞑目,我特地觀察了一下屍體,我發現它脖子的其他地方早有裂痕,而且藏在脖子裡的用來支撐的鐵棒只有一小截。後來我馬上買了人生的第二把吉他,就是2850的,想不到差不到1000元卻好彈得多,剛好那時高二大家也開始學些finger style的曲子,我就一直用到現在。(包含荒廢很久的時日)
10年後,PTT吉他板出現一位神人,他不但對吉他構造與音色特性有研究,甚至還偶爾出售一些物超所值的琴,大家都稱他為「紅大」。之前紅大就有賣過幾次琴,但我一直怕買了沒時間練習浪費那錢,而且對於那個價位的琴了解不深,因此遲遲沒有下定決心。近來,我剛好在研究吉他的physical modeling,在翻閱先進們的論文時發覺有部份跟紅大介紹的一樣,加上紅大剛好又有好物要賣,我就跑了一趟高雄,直接找紅大試琴。
我想買的是Baden a-style桃花心木的琴,紅大的無名上有照片跟試聽檔。當天試的琴中,除了Baden兩種筒型的琴外,還有玫瑰木製作的琴,他前後拿了六七把出來讓我比較,聽過音色後我還是最喜歡原本選的。以下跟紅大的對話是我憑印象記下來的,如有謬誤歡迎留言糾正我。
1. 為何玫瑰木的吉他這麼快就賣完了?
2. 吉他發聲的原理
3. 哪裡可以學得以上那些木板發聲的比較等資訊?
4. 吉他的保養
木頭內水分的流動,散發比吸收快,在濕度50%左右的氣候是最適合吉他的保存。(如台灣這類型海島國家,或沿海城市) 如果太乾燥,當木頭內水分流失過快時,會導致內部結構被破壞而裂開;如果太潮濕,吸水的速度較慢因此不會有事。另一個問題是天氣過冷,水分遇冷結冰,體積漲大,也會讓吉他爆裂。(聽說賣到德國的吉他最常出問題...)
5. 筒身的差異
我買的吉他琴身比較有腰身,另一款 D 筒的腰身較不明顯。兩者音色也有非常明顯的差異,有腰身的音色中高頻能量較強,沒腰身的音色低頻表現較強。
6. nut & bridge
7. 絃距問題
不過,絃距影響的不只是彈奏的手感,它也會影響音色。絃距過低的話,絃在來回振動時受fret影響的機會就越大,只要稍微觸到fret,振動的波形就會遭受破壞,使得基頻的振幅變小,而倍頻們的能量增大。耳朵聽到嚴重程度由大至小依次為 : 打絃 -> 沒打絃但有嗡嗡聲 -> 聲音變扁(薄)
GM Arts http://www.gmarts.org/index.php?go=233
Even though we each have different ideas about our ultimate tone, I think we're all looking for a rich sound - rich in harmonics, that is. Lots of harmonic content = lots of 'tone'. If you have lots of harmonic content to start with, you can easily use other sound shaping tools (tone controls on the amp, in particular) to sculpt your favourite and unique sound. It's a bit like giving an artist every colour he could wish for to paint a picture. If you only give him a pencil, he can still draw a great picture if he's really
good, but has limited options.
So, back to guitars, we want lots of harmonics, and different players will use other sound shaping tools to tailor their own sound. A natural plucked guitar string will contain a strong fundamental, with less strong harmonic content. The higher the harmonic the lower its level.
The first challenge is to make sure you have a strong fundamental, so let's get the bad news out of the way. Heavy strings and a high action almost guarantee great tone. If you have any doubt, listen to Stevie Ray Vaughan's tones.
There are good reasons for this. The fundamental is loudest because it vibrates the most. If you have a low action, fret rattle kills a lot of the fundamental, emphasising higher harmonics, giving a thin sound. Even if you hear just a hint of fret rattle at the start of a note, you have lost some fundamental. Likewise, heavy strings give a stronger response on the fundamental without sacrificing upper harmonics.
Shopping for a Guitar
Each guitar is unique in feel due to variations in neck thickness and shape. If the neck is comfortable, the guitar will be easier to play. The string height above the fingerboard--the action--also influences playing ease. The action may vary according to personal taste and playing style. High action is difficult to play but allows buzz-free high volume playing. Low action is easy to play but buzzes during aggressive playing. A compromise between the two is best for most players. Fortunately, the action can be adjusted to suit your needs. If you are a steel-string player, remember that classical action is higher than steel-string action due to nylon's lower tension.
其他照片 : 點這裡!
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